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Our Mission at NHYB is to teach, develop, organize, manage and offer youth players the opportunity to learn the fundamental skills of basketball while instilling life lessons and values such as character, team work, respect, and sportsmanship.
Last updated: August 2021

North Hills Youth Basketball Club (Formerly NHBYB)


NHYB will complete paperwork by year 4 to be an official non profit organization.  NHYB was founded for the purpose of providing NHYB students interested in basketball a chance to playin either an inhouse/community league or a travel league.

The official name of the organization is the North Hills Youth Basketball Club.

ARTICLE II – Affiliation(s)

NHYB will not be associated with any other recognized basketball association.  The NHYB Club will maintain an affiliation with students in the North Hills School District only

ARTICLE III – Objectives and Principles

Our Mission at NHYB is to teach, develop, organize, manage and offer youth players the opportunity to learn the fundamental skills of basketball while instilling life lessons and values such as character, teamwork, respect, and sportsmanship.

ARTICLE IV – Governing Body

The club will be governed by a Board of Directors that consists of the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Registrar/Technology Director. The Board will be elected at the end of each 2 year term or when a vacancy occurs. Annual Term begins on August 1 after the annual board meeting and transition meeting have been held.

The Board of Directors will make decisions concerning league play, policies, procedures, and/or regulations based on the constitution, by-laws, rules and regulations.

The Board will set registration fees based on the financial needs of the league.

All league policies, rules, by-laws, procedures, etc. will be governed by the Constitution and By-laws. The constitution may be changed only through the process described here. A member of the NHYB may make a motion to the Board in writing of the desire to change the constitution.

The Board will review and vote on the proposal. A majority vote will be required for the proposal to be changed into a new by law. By-laws may be changed by a majority vote of the Board of Directors in attendance at a scheduled Board meeting.

ARTICLE V – Board Officers

BOARD OF DIRECTORS – The management of the property and affairs of the league shall be vested in the Board of Directors. The Board’s membership will consist of the members listed below with the duties as outlined for each

Any Board vacancy will be filled by the President with approval of the Board.

PRESIDENT – The duties of the President will be to...

1. Preside at all league meetings.

2. Assumes full responsibility for the day to day operations of the league.

3. Receives mail, supplies, and other communications to the league.

4. Assure that all league personnel is properly trained on all rules, regulations, and policies of the NHYB Club.

5. Act as a liaison to the school district

6. Serve the minimal of 2 years, with intentions of fulfilling role upon election

VICE-PRESIDENT – The duties of the Vice-President shall be to...

1. Preside in any and all meetings in the absence of the President

2. Is an official member of all committees.

3. Carries out duties and assignments as assigned by the President.

4. Organization and coordination of facilities permits and communications with facility staff

5. Other duties as assigned by the President.

SECRETARY – The duties of the Secretary shall be to...

1. Record the minutes of meetings.

2. Organize and plan uniforms and spirit wear

3. Assist in maintaining rosters of all teams and coaches

4. Other duties as assigned by the President.

TREASURER – The duties of the Treasurer shall be to...

1. Monitor the budget.

2. Dispense league funds approved by the President.

3. Sign checks.

4. Reports on the status of league finances to the Board of Directors.

5. Maintains league books and financial records.

6. Procure and maintain insurance at the director of the Board of Directors.

7. Other duties as assigned by the President.

Registrar/Technology Director – The duties of the Registrar/Technology Director shall be to...

1. Maintain website

2. Open/close registration                                                                                                                                                 

3. Handle all day to day operations on website including refunds and transfers

4. Other duties as assigned by the President.


COMMITTEES – If interest in participation warrants, committees can be formed to delegate tasks including, but not limited to: Travel and in house commissioners, uniform distribution, spirit wear distribution, picture day, special events, scheduling, coaches coordinator

A committee member may be replaced by a petition to the Board of Directors for non-participation or non-administration of their duties.


ARTICLE VI – Formation and Division of Teams

The league will consist of players in the North Hills School District that are in Grades 3-6 only.

In House league/Community league for boys and girls.  Visiting schools can be added to the schedule at the discretion of the Board of Directors.  An end-of-the-season tournament should be offered if the schedule allows. All teams should practice the equal amount of time. No player is to attend practices that are not for their scheduled team.

Travel league for boys and girls as deemed appropriate after tryouts.  Travel teams may be entered as “A” or “B” if the outside league offers the option. It is strongly encouraged that 6th grade enter A leagues in preparation of middle school.  It is expected that "A" and "B" teams function simultaneously including uniforms, practice times, and number of practices per week.  "A" and "B" teams are expected to have separate game schedules and separate tournament schedules. Travel teams cannot increase the numbers on teams if it would take players away from the in-house/community league that would prevent the league from playing. No player is to attend practices that are not for their scheduled team.

Teams and players will abide by the following guidelines: 

1. No team may begin practice until the Board of Directors gives them permission to do so.

2. There will be no changes, alterations, or revisions to the practice schedule without prior permission of the Board.

3. After the season begins, teams may have no more contacts other than the schedule set by NHYB

4. When school is not in session for any reason (snow, holidays, etc.), there will be no practice, scrimmage, or games. There may be exceptions as deemed by the school district if they choose to allow gyms to remain open.

5. The season ends on the last date of the last game for all in-house/community teams.  Players will not be sponsored by NHYB for insurance, practices, or tournaments once the season ends.

ARTICLE VIII – Conduct of Players, Officials, Coaches, and Spectators

Any individual participating in a NHYB sponsored event (including practice, game, meeting, tournament, etc.) will be responsible to follow the Code of Conduct adopted by NHYB as stated in registration and on the website.

Last updated: August 2021

North Hills Youth Basketball

Please Email, the Board of Directors
Email : [email protected]
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